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VeeP - The Very Easy Email Program

Main Page

01-05-01 - Apologies to anyone who downloaded version 0.3.0 and couldn't get it to untar - my bad.
Major props to Emilio for being the one who pointed this out to me.
I've retarred the files and uploaded a new version(0.3.1) which should work just fine - please let me know if it doesn't.
Work has pretty much ground to a halt on Veep because of exams and work - I'm aiming to get back to work on it in June and have version 1 up and running by the end of the summer.

Welcome to the VeeP homepage. Veep stands for the Very Easy Email Program, which will hopefully one day refer to the programs ease of use rather than any lack of morals. At the moment the program is in Alpha stage - which means you can download the files I've written so far but they won't be much good to you. The version 1.0 release of Veep can be downloaded from the project page on, but contains very little in functionality.

Veep is written entirely in Java, but without using any of the JavaMail classes. It will(eventually) be comprised of three classes : a PopClient class for receiving mail, an SmtpClient class for sending mail and a main Veep class to manage and display messages via a GUI. This should mean that the mail client classes are easy to reuse in other applications, and that support for other mail protocols such as IMAP can be added easily at a later date.

Signed : Tom